A PARATROOPER'S PRAYER Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father; Who art above us and beneath us, within and around us;
Drive from our minds of our paratroops any fear of the space in which Thou art ever present. Give them confidence in the strength
of Thine Everlasting arms to uphold them. Endure them with clear minds and pure hearts that they may participate worthily
in the victory which this nation must achieve in Thy name through Thy will. Make them hardy soldiers of our country as well
as of Thy Son, Our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. Chaplain George B. Wood
The Paratrooper's Prayer Chaplain Terry
Austin, Advanced Airborne School, Fort Bragg Heavenly Father, hear my call; for through the sky I will soon fall. Stand
up, hook up, shuffle to the door, I pray for your will, nothing less, nothing more. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand,
four . . . My canopy fill 'fore I count any more. Give me courage, in the midst of my fear, to enjoy your world's beauty from
way up here. From jumpers and obstacles float me clear, and safely to the drop zone help me steer. Feet and knees together,
preparing myself to land, never more aware that I'm secure within your hand. Guide and help me, as I quickly get to my feet,
to conquer every obstacle 'til the mission is complete. In our Lord's name I shall forever pray, because I'm Airborne and
Prayerborne all the way. AMEN
Jumpmaster Prayer Chaplain Terry Austin, Advanced Airborne School, Fort Bragg Heavenly
Father, you have created the earth and sky, and have given man the ingenuity to leave the earth in flight and return by parachute.
In my chosen profession as a Jumpmaster, I have accepted responsibility in a task in which there is no margin for error, no
second chance to do it right next time, or do it over again. I humbly realize that when I stand before a jumper and inspect
that I am taking his life into my hands. Help me to realize my own limitations and to concentrate fully on each person and
on each task. Lord, help me to never ever take anything for granted as a Jumpmaster. Through your gifts and training I have
the eyes, hands, and mind to be a Jumpmaster. Help me to never be complacent but always be determined to further sharpen and
hone my skills. And Lord, when I report to you for my final manifest call may I hear you say, "Well done Jumpmaster, my faithful
servant enter into your reward." AMEN
504th in Kosovo It is never easy to be away from loved ones- even if
it is part of your job in the Army. As the paratroopers from this battalion are now getting into new routines in Kosovo, their
thoughts and prayers are often of loved ones left behind. We also know that our families are concerned for our welfare and
carry us in their prayers. God's people have often been called upon to make sacrifices for others. As everyone makes sacrifices
for the mission of peace, know that God does not want you to do it alone. The writer of Psalm 121 wrote of God's protection
for people looking for assurances that God is with them- at all times: "I lift up my eyes to the hills- from where will
my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved, he who keeps you
will not slumber...and the Lord is your keeper." May God keep all of us securely in his protective grasp, day and night,
despite all the distance between us. Lift your eyes up to God. Go to God in prayer often, take your concerns, fears, frustrations,
and joys to our Heavenly Father. Let God help you daily through your family, friends, priests, pastors, and churches. Your
sacrifices are not in vain. We shall be reunited as families again. Until that day, you are in our prayers. God be with
you Always! Chaplain John L. Kallerson Task Force 3-504 PIR Chaplain
551st PIR Prayer, LTC Joerg Oh God,
Commander of all men, We stand before thee asking for thy Help in execution of the many tasks which Confront us. Give us strength,
courage, daring, Intelligence and devotion to duty, so that we may From day to day perfect ourselves as fighting men-So that
some day, in some foreign land - we may by our fighting ability, bring glory to ourselves, our country and thee. And oh God,
if the price we must pay for eternal freedom of man be great, give us strength so that we will not hesitate to sacrafice ourselves
for a cause sp sacred. All of this we ask in thy name."
This prayer was found on his body when he Was killed on 7
Jan 45. Paratrooper Prayers 101st Airborne, #1 Dear God, your ancient prophet has told us that, "...they who wait
for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and
they shall walk and not faint." (Is 40:31) Flying on the wings of eagles is exhilarating. It is the running and the walking
that are difficult. Teach us to wait upon you so that we might yet run the race of life, and walk the path of faith in true
service to you and all humanity. Amen. (Source: LTC Douglas Carver, 101st Abn)
101st Airborne Div. (Airmobile)
#2 Almighty God, who has created the heavens above, and has selected from your creatures some to receive the gift of flight,
grant to those who mount up as with the wings of eagles in defense of their country, the sword of righteousness and the swiftness
of angels. May their descent be as lightning from above, and the strength of their arms like rolling thunder, that breaking
upon the adversary with sudden fury, they may put him to confusion, for the defense of liberty, and for the increase of freedom.
Amen. Source: LTC Douglas Carver,
101st Airborne Division, #3 O Lord our God, thou who art powerful, thou
who strengthens the righteous person with courage and faith, who blesses the humble and lowly, I confess O Lord my fears and
my sins before thee. O Lord, be merciful and loving to me thy servant. Be with me, my God, and give me wings like eagles so
I can run and not be weary, walk and not faint. We are approaching the time that we "Stand at the Door." Give me the wisdom
to know and the courage to believe that thou art always with me and so I have no fear. I ask these things in all humility
in your holy name. Amen. Source: LTC Douglas Carver, Paratrooper Prayers 101st Airborne Division, 506th
Airborne Division - #4 Father of Mercy, now, God, as we "mount up with wings like eagles" be near us. As we enter this
time of danger we pray to you, O Lord, who created the universe and the very air we are about to jump (fly) through. We ask
Lord, that you would bring to our minds all of the skills that we have been taught. We ask Lord, that just as you stilled
the water that you still the air. We pray, O God, that we might be granted safety from hostile fire and all the devices of
the enemy; and for courage so that we might perform our mission with success and honor. Finally, our Father, when this time
is over, we ask that you remind us to offer up prayers of thanksgiving, so that we might remember the courage you have granted
us now when we choose between right and wrong in the future. To your glory we offer this mission and this prayer. Amen. Source:
LTC Douglas Carver,
101st Airborne Division - #5 Lord, the heavens and the earth and everything in them belong
to you. We do, too--we are your own. We now place ourselves at great risk, not to test you or to tempt you, but to serve righteousness
and to defeat evil. We submit our cause to you and we ask your blessing upon our soil. May we have such confidence in your
love for us that we can turn our minds completely to the things we can and must control--our parachutes, our gear, and our
behavior--for we know that unless we exercise authority over our fears and our excitement, our jump will not be safe. Lord,
we know that you will not forget us in our aircraft or under our canopies. Neither will we forget you on the drop zone or
back at home. Thanks for going with us "all the way." Amen. Source: LTC Douglas Carver, 101st Abn
101st Airborne Division
- #6 . O Eternal God, whose canopy is forever over us: help us to feel your presence with us this day. Instill confidence
in us as we put our trust in others; our jumpmaster, static line safety, pilots, DACO and CTT. Keep our minds clear as we
execute our five points of performance. And remain with us that we may arrive safely to our assembly area to carry on our
mission. Amen. Source: Lt. Col. Pat Hash, Division Chaplain 101st Airborne Division (AAST)
101st Airborne Division
- #7 Dear God, Your ancient prophet has told us that,..."they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall
mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint." (Is. 40:31) Flying on
the wings of eagles is exhilarating. It is the running and the walking that are difficult. Teach us to wait upon You so that
we might yet run the race of life, and walk the path of faith in true service to You and all Humanity. Amen. Source: LTC Pat
Hash, Division Chaplain
Geronimo Prayer Heavenly father, hear my call, For through the sky I will soon fall. Stand
up, hook up, shuffle to the door, I pray for your will, nothing less, nothing more. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand,
four... My canopy fill 'fore I count any more. Give me courage, in the midst of my fear, to enjoy your world's beauty from
way up here. From jumpers and obstacles float me clear, and safely to the drop zone help me steer. Feet 'n knees together,
preparing myself to land, never more aware that I'm secure within your hand. Guide and help me lord, as I get quickly to my
feet, to conquer every obstacle 'til the mission is complete. In our Lord's name I shall forever pray, 'cause I'm "AIRBORNE"
and "PRAYER BORNE" GERONIMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN Written by Chaplain Danny Presswood, 1991. ,Source: Rigger@PARATROOPER.COM
USAF Para-rescue Thoughts of a Pararescueman I am that which others do not want to be. I chose to go where
others reared and excel where they have failed. I ask for nothing from those that will not give anything anyway and reluctantly
accepted the thought of eternal loneliness,... Should I Fail. I have seen the face of death, felt the stinging cold of fear,
I have realized the harsh reality of just what this job is all about. I enjoyed the sweet taste of victory and love but, those
were just fleeting moments. I have cried, pained and hoped but, most of all, I have lived times others would say are best
forgotten... But, At least I will be able to say that I was proud of who and what I am and that in my heart and soul I will
always be a "PJ" <unknown author>
"Ranger Prayer" R-ecognizing You are Almighty God, we volunteer to follow
you. A-cknowledging we need Your presence in our every mission, be with us, in front of us and beside us. N-eeding
to give You the honor for all of our successes and victories. G-rant us safety and protection from all dangers and hazards,
on land, at sea and in the air. E-ntreating You to give us courage, strength and wisdom as we defend our country.
R-eadily we will submit to Your direction. You lead our way as Rangers lead the way.
Almighty God and Father, it is Your air that fills my canopy and it is Your ground upon which I stand so for me The Spirit
of the Airborne means all that is best in the military tradition. It means I trust in You, pride in my uniform and an enduring
love of my Country. AMEN
Let Us Be Your Lightning From Above Almighty God, who has created the heavens above,
and has selected from your creatures some to receive the gift of flight, grant to those who mount up as with the wings of
eagles in defense of their country, the sword of righteousness and the swiftness of angles. May their descent be as lightning
from above, and the strength of their arms like rolling thunder, that breaking upon the adversary with sudden fury, they may
put him to confusion, for the defense of liberty, and for the increase of freedom. AMEN,CH (1LT) Gerald Bebber,Fort Rucker
As we stand in the Door- O Lord our God, Thou art powerful, Thou who strengthens the righteous person with courage
and faith, who blesses the humble and lowly, I confess O Lord my fears and my sins before thee, an they are many. But may
it please thee, O Lord, to be merciful and loving to me Thy servant. Be with me, my God, and give me wings like eagles so
I can run and not be weary, walk and not faint. We are approaching the time that we "Stand at the door". Give me the wisdom
to know and the courage to believe that Thou art always with me and so I have no fear. I ask these things in all humility
in your holy name. AMEN.CH CPT Robert B. Payne,Fort Knox
Strengthen Our Hearts Our Lord and our God I pray that
thou will always be by my side. I fear the upcoming battle for our mission is most dangerous behind the enemy lines. Yet,
I ask thee to strengthen my heart and give me courage in the fact that thou art always with me. Our purpose is to defend
the rights of all persons, to live with liberty and justice. Help us, O Lord, to be victorious in our struggle to destroy
the evil forces which oppose liberty and truth. We ask these things in the name of the Lord our God. AMEN.CH CPT Robert Payne,Fort
Mount Up With The Wings of Eagles Father of Mercy, Now, God, as we "mount up with the wings of Eagles"
be near us. As we enter this time of danger we pray to you, O Lord, who created the universe and the very air we are about
to jump (fly) through. We ask Lord, that you would bring to our minds all of the skills we have been taught. We ask Lord,
that as you stilled the waters you still the air. We pray, O God, that we might be granted safety from hostile fire and all
the devices of enemy; and for the courage so that we might perform our mission with success and honor. Finally, our Father,
when this time is over, we ask that you remind us to offer up prayers of thanksgiving, so that we might remember the courage
you have granted us now when we choose between right and wrong in the future. To your glory we offer this mission and this
prayer. AMEN, CH 1LT Lidsey E. Arnold,Fort Leonard Wood
Traditional Paratrooper Prayer GAWD! PLEASE! Get me out
of this and I swear I will never have another drink and I will go to church and I will never again lust after another woman!
Please! GAWD! HELP ME! Frank Reilly (Doc) 269th Avn Bn "67 116th AHC CuChi
Airborne/Air Assault Dear God,
Your ancient prophet has told us that, "...they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with
wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint" (IS 40:31) Flying on the wings of Eagles
is exhilarating. It is running and the walking that are difficulty. Teach us to wait upon You so that we might yet run the
race of life, and walk the path of faith in true service to You and all humanity. CH CPT Daniel J.G.G. Block, Fort Ord,
Airborne Air Assault Lord, the heavens and the earth and everything in them belong to you. We do, too--we are
your own. We now place ourselves at great risk, not to test you or to tempt you, but to serve righteousness and to defeat
evil. We submit our cause to you and we ask your blessing upon our soil. May we have such confidence in your love for
us that we can turn our minds completely to the things we can and must control -- our parachutes, our gear and our behavior
-- for we know that unless we exercise authority over our fears and our excitement, our jump will not be safe. Lord, we
know that you will not forget us in our aircraft or under our canopies. Neither will we forget you on the drop zone or back
at home. Thanks for going with us "all the way" Amen CH CPT William L. Kleinbrook,Ft. Dix, NJ
The Parachutist's
Prayer I turn to you, my Lord, for you give what one can only obtain from oneself. Give me, my Lord, what you have left.
Give me, my Lord, what is never asked of you. I ask you not for rest or tranquility of wither soul or body. I ask you not
for wealth nor success, nor even health. All of these, my Lord, are asked of you so often that you must surely have none left.
Give me, my Lord, what you have left. Give me, my Lord, what others refuse of you. I want insecurity and worry. I want
torment and a fight and may you give them to me, my Lord, for ever. So that I am sure to have them always for I will not have
the courage to ask them of you. Give me, my Lord, what you have left. Give my Lord what others do not want. But give me also
courage and strength and faith. For you are the only one to give that one can only obtain from oneself. André' ZIRNHELD,Parachutist
of "France Libre" Died on the field of honor in 1942 in the Libyan desert.
"Airborne All The Way" By: Unknown
These men with silver wings Troopers from the sky above In whom devotion springs What spirit so
unites them In brotherhood they say Their answer loud and clear, "Airborne All The Way" These are the men
of danger As in open door they stand With static line above them And ripcord in their hand While earthbound
they are falling A silent prayer they say "Lord be with us forever, Airborne All The Way" One day they'll
make their final jump Saint Mike will tap them out The good Lord will be waiting He knows what they are about
And answering in cadence, He'll hear the troopers say "We're glad to be aboard, Sir, Airborne All The Way"
1st-8th, 1st Cav,
Veterans Day Prayer Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes,From the hills, from
the sky, all is well, Safely rest, God is nigh. Fading light, dims the sight, And a star gems the sky, gleaming
bright, From afar, drawing nigh, falls the night. Thanks and praises, for our days, Neath the stars, neath the
sky, As we go, this we know, God is neigh.
Jumping Mustangs Prayers , Chaplain Roger Talmadge, Chaplain's Battle
Prayer prior to our first combat Air Assault on 28 Sep 1965 in the relief of elements the 101st Airborne Division.
Father in Heaven, we thank You for Your Presence in our lives. As we go into combat, may we "Jumping Mustangs"
see our mission as greater than our own safety, one that encompasses the freedoms of our families, nation and
the world. Help us who would fight under the "Jumping Mustang Banner" to have the coolness and clearness of mind to
be so spiritually prepared that in the moment of crisis, our destiny might be so firm, our conviction so clear, our
dedication so sincere, the we will not waver. May our victories become stairways to a spirit re-dedicated to live at peace
with all men".
Patriotic Poems God and the Soldier, we adore, In time of danger, not before. The danger
passed and all things righted, God is forgotten and the Soldier slighted. Kipling
He went where others feared
to go, and did what others failed to do. He cried, pained and hoped-- but most of all he lived times-- never
to be forgotten. Unknown Author
THOUGHTS ON VETERANS DAY It is the SOLDIER, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press. It is the SOLDIER, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It
is the SOLDIER, not the campus organizers, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the SOLDIER, Who salutes
the flag, Who serves the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag.
AMEN (General Douglas Macarthur)
THE RED MAILBAG There he goes, across the rice patty, With red mailbag in
tow. He could have stayed in the rear, But he wanted to go. A small man in stature, But a giant one in his heart. A true
warrior in battle, Earning one purple heart. He fought in the big one, WW II, He fought in Korea and Vietnam too. He walked
the "rear" point, And covered our tail. He carried the red bag, so that we'd get our mail. He reminded me of a brave matador,
In his best laces. Waving a red mailbag, right in their faces. Old Charlie must have thought, Who's this little man? Carry
a red mailbag, In his hand. Even in war he was always happy, My friend, a warrior, a man named "Pappy". George M. Goswick
1ST BN, 8TH CAV BY: HARRY HEATER The year was very long ago, 1965 to be exact. Fort Benning was
the place to be, bo all the men, they packed.
A new unit was being formed to fight, 11th Air Assault was it's
name. And all the men that assembled there, Knew that this was not a game.
They arrived in 1965. Vietnam
was the place, They flew into An Khe And that became a home base.
By this time our name was changed. We
became the 1st of the 8th. And the task that lay before us now, Would forever test our Faith.
We completed
all our missions. We did our job with pride. We did our time in Country. Now it's time for the homeward ride.
The men that stayed behind, Are etched upon the Wall. The ones that made it back alive, Are gathered in
this Hall.
The name 1st of the 8th Cav, Airmobile, Air Assault, Airborne, Will live with us forever, Till
the last of us are gone.
Medics (the real hero's of every war) BY: HARRY HEATER
All the war are different,
But out job stays the same. We patch them back together, Taking care of all their pain.
We carry all the
bandages And needles for all the shots. We're here for the fighting men, They gave us the name of Doc.
competed in all the battle, We treat the troopers wounds. We are the combat medics, Working with company and platoons.
All medics have one motto, The motto is first rate. They learn it in Medical School, Preserve the fighting
OUR TREE (The Jumping Mustang Tree in Arlington) By Harry Heater Joyce Kilmer wrote a poem,
"There's Nothing Like A Tree". He was an Army Soldier, Just like you and me.
He was on his way to battle,
And he died that very day. So let this tree be a symbol, Of our boys who passed away.
We gathered all
this dirt, from our Homes in all the states, To make it's roots very strong, and Never suffer breaks.
placed our plaque upon the ground, For the world and all to see. So no one will ever forget, They gave their lives
for our liberty.
Final Inspection The soldier stood and faced God Which must always come to pass He hoped
his shoes were shining Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, you soldier, How shall I deal with
you? Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?"
The soldier squared his shoulders
and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't Because those of us who carry guns Can't always be a saint.
had to work most Sundays And at times my talk was tough, And sometimes I've been violent, Because the world is
awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep... Though I worked a lot of overtime When
the bills got just too steep,
And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear, And sometimes,
God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place Among the people here, They never
wanted me around Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much, But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was a silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod As the soldier waited quietly, For the judgment of his God,
"Step forward
now, you soldier, You've borne your burdens well, Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets, You've done your time in
Irish Soldier's Song by Peader Kearney, 1907 We'll sing a song, a soldier's song, with cheering
rousing chorus, As round our blazing fires we throng, The starry heavens o'er us; impatient for the coming fight,
And as we wait the morning's light, Here in the silence of the night, We'll chant a soldier's song.
Chorus: Soldiers
are we whose lives are pledged to Ireland; Some have come from a land beyond the wave. Sworn to be free, No more our ancient
sire land. Shall shelter the despot or the slave. Tonight we man the gap of danger. In Erin's cause, come woe or weal 'Mid
cannons' roar and rifles peal,We'll chant a soldier's song
In valley green, on towering crag, Our fathers fought before
us, And conquered 'neath the same old flag. That's proudly floating o'er us. We're children of a fighting race, That never
yet has known disgrace, And as we march, the foe to face, We'll chant a soldier's song Chorus Sons of the Gael! Men
of the Pale! The long watched day is breaking; The serried ranks of Inisfail. Shall set the Tyrant quaking. Our camp fires
now are burning low; See in the east a silv'ry glow, Out yonder waits the Saxon foe, So chant a soldier's song. Chorus
Special Forces Prayer
Almighty God, Who art the Author of liberty and the Champion of the oppressed, hear
our prayer. We, the men of Special Forces, acknowledge our dependence upon Thee in the preservation of human freedom.
May we ever remember that our nation, whose motto is "In God We Trust," expects that we shall acquit ourselves with honor,
that we may never bring shame upon our faith, our families, or our fellow men. Grant us wisdom from Thy mind, courage
from Thine heart, strength from Thine arm, and protection by Thine hand. It is for Thee that we do battle, and to Thee belongs
the victor's crown. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and glory, forever. Amen Source: Chaplain Murray, 35th Sig.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' and I said, 'Here
am I, send me!" Isaiah 6: 8-9
Task Force 160 160th Aviation Battalion (Airborne) 160th Airborne, Night Stalkers
Father of the heavens and the night; Stretch forth Your almighty arms to strengthen and protect us. Even as You gave Saint
Michael, Your angelic warrior, power to do spiritual battle in the heavens, so give us power to command the darkened skies.
Guide and direct us in the defense of our country and in the maintenance of justice among the nations. Give us the
courage to face all obstacles that might keep us from our time on target. Send Your holy Angels to protect the precious cargo
which we carry; the elite Special Operations forces of the United States. Sustain us in the hour of danger with the knowledge
of Your mercy and return us safely home.
Watch over our families when we can not. May Your presence give them comfort,
and Your love lend them the courage to face each day, confident in the knowledge that You will never leave them nor forsake
them. Protect them with Your unfailing mercy and grace. Grant that wherever we serve, we may be loyal to our proud heritage.
Make us to choose the harder right over the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be
won. May we ever embody the principles upon which the Night Stalkers are founded and serve proudly with the memory of those
who have gone before. Give us the courage to fight to win and the faith to die rather than quit. Because, Night Stalkers Don't
Quit! Amen
The politician's stipend and the style in which he lives Are sometimes
disproportionate to the services he gives, While the ordinary soldier, who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal, and
perhaps a pension small.
It's so easy to forget them, for it was so long ago That our Bob's and Jim's and Johnny's
went to battle, but we know It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom that our
country now enjoys.
Should you find yourself in danger with your enemies at hand, Would you really want some cop-out
with his ever waffling stand? Or would you want a soldier who has sworn to defend His home, his kin, and country, and would
fight until the end?
He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin But his presence should remind us,
we may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier's part Is to clean up all the troubles
that the politicians start.
If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give
him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps a simple headline in the paper that might say: OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING,
He was getting old and paunchy
He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was
falling fast And he sat around the Legion telling stories of the past, Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he
had done In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes, every one.
And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors, his tales
became a joke, All his buddies listened, for they knew where of he spoke. But we'll hear his tales no longer, for old Bob
has passed away And the world's a little poorer, for a soldier died today.
No he won't be mourned by many, just his
children and his wife, For he lived an ordinary very quiet sort of life, He held a job and raised a family, quietly going
on his way; And the world won't note his passing; 'tho a soldier died today.
When politicians leave this earth, their
bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great, Papers tell of their life stories
from the time that they were young, But the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed, and unsung.
Is the greatest contribution
to the welfare of our land Some jerk who breaks his promise and cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow who in times
of war and strife Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life?
A Paratrooper's Cry
by Hayim Hefer, Israel Defense Force, Paratrooper, 1967
This wall has heard many prayers
This wall has seen the fall of many other walls
This wall has felt the touch of mourning women
This wall has felt petitions lodged between its stones
This wall saw Rabbi Yehuda Halevi trampled before it
This wall has seen Caesars rise and fall
But this wall had never seen paratroopers cry. This wall saw them tired and wrung out
This wall saw them wounded and mutilated
Running to it with excitement, cries and silence,
And creeping as torn creatures in the Alleys of the Old City. And they are covered with dust and their lips are parched
And they whisper "If I forget thee, if I forget thee Jerusalem"
They are swift as eagles and strong as lions
And their tanks - the fiery chariot of Elijah ...
They pass by like thunder
They pass by with anger
They remember the 2,000 awful years
In which we had not even a wall to place our tears before. And they stand before it and breathe in dust
Here they look at it with sweet pain And tears run down and they look at one another perplexed
How does it happen that paratroopers cry?
How does it happen that they touch this wall with great emotion? How does it happen that their weeping changed to song?
Perhaps because these boys of 19, born at the same time as the state, Perhaps because these boys of 19 - carry on their
shoulder 2,000 years.
Israeli POW Prayer
He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David and Solomon, may He bless, preserve and protect
the captive and missing soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces including:
Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman ben Sarah (Katz)
Zecharia Shlomo ben Miriam (Baumel)
Zvi ben Penina (Feldman)
Ron ben Batya (Arad)
May He Rescue them from captivity and speedily restore them in peace, in the merit of the prayers of this holy assemblage
who pray for them.
May the Holy One, Blessed be He, show them mercy, increase their strength, remove their pain and send them a recovery of
body and recovery of spirit, may He return them to the bosom of their families, (On Sabbath: The Sabbath prohibits us from
crying out, may salvation come speedily,) swiftly and soon. Now let us respond: Amen.
11th Airborne
Soldiers Prayer
O Loving God, Creator and Sustainer of Life, I am grateful that you have permitted me to live in the autumn of life, I
remember when I was one of the young, the strong and the brave. Even then you were the winds beneath our wings. You were the
medicine for our fears.
Do for me now, O God, what I cannot do for myself. When sickness and pain come as an unwelcome guest to me, or someone
I love; or the skies turn gray because I can't do everything I once did; or sorrow knocks at my door; or taps are sounded
for a loved one; or an old trooper friend; or when I grow impatient and discouraged with myself, and the world, then O God...
Save me from the inertia or futility. Remind me how you answered my prayers in combat, when I was alone and afraid. Grant
that my trust may not walk on weak knees. Give me the Power of your spirit that I may be strong again. Put a friendly guard
detail around my loneliness, reminding me that there are loyal friends and Airborne buddies, near and far, who still remember
and care. Give me the Faith to love one day at a time.
Create in an unfaltering faith in you as an unfailing God.And Grant me the Divine Light to see beyond the present, no matter
how dark it may be, and into the Great Forever.
For Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory. And I am Yours. In Your Holy Name. AMEN Written for the 1991 reunion.
What He wants for us.
"The story is told of Chaplain Francis L. Sampson who jumped with his unit as the invasion of Normandy began. After landing
in a stream he dove into the icy water at least six times desperately searching for his chaplain's kit. As the enemy advanced
chaplain Sampson volunteered to stay behind with 14 wounded soldiers. He changed bandages, made hot chocolate and said prayers
as the enemy arrived. He was nearly killed attempting to surrender and was so scared that instead of the act of contrition
(which in this case was the final penitence for a man believing he is about to die) he said the "Table Grace".
He was allowed to stay with the wounded as a prisoner and was freed a short time later; but the point is made which we
can all learn from. Namely, as people of God we are called to be people of prayer no matter the circumstances and no matter
the words of our prayers. The Gospel writer St. Matthew said it best, "For He knows what we need even before we ask". (Matthew
Chaplain Chuck Dean. Chuck is the National Chaplain for the legendary 173rd Airborne Brigade. He is a prolific writer and
active in 173rd Airborne and other veterans organizations like Point Man International.
The following are used with permission and are protected by copyright.
What is So Amazing About Grace?
BY: Chuck Dean, National Chaplain, 173rd Airborne Brigade
Invocation at 2000 Reunion.
What is So Amazing about God's grace?
Grace is God's kindness that we cannot earn. Grace is God cutting us some slack when we don't deserve it. It is God not
condemning us for the wrongs we have done, but accepting us as we are and welcoming us home as if no wrong had been done.
There is no such thing as being "good enough" to get His grace...He just gives it to us no matter what we have done, and there
is nothing we can do about it.
We don't have to work to get this favor from our Father in heaven...if we did then all of the sacrifices of Jesus were
in vain. No amount of charitable deeds or good works can increase the grace that God gives to each one of us. If that was
the case then when we use our talents and skills, our good reputations, or our earthly wealth we could expect God to show
favoritism to those who possessed all of those things. But God is not a God of favoritism...His grace is amply spread out
for each and every one of us. The rich, the poor, the able and the disabled, all reveived their personal portions of God's
amazing grace.
God is a God who loves you and I so much that no matter what we have done, or what we will do, He still cuts us that slack
and makes a way for us to receive mercy and love that we do not always deserve.
That is what is so amazing about Grace.
Let us pray:
"Heavenly Father, we thank You for your unwavering grace. We thank You that you have kept us all these years. Now, Lord,
we aks You to bless, our time together this evening, bless all the speakers and give us ears to hear and eyes to see. I ask
that most of all, Lord, that You would reveal Yourself to each one of us in a special way before this weekend is over. In
His name, AMEN."
Angelic Michael, hear my call
As through the sky I now will fall.
Satan you once cast from here.
Aid me now to conquer fear.
My static line have hooked to hold.
And then my chute It to make unfold.
Suspension lines untangled be
And opened up my canopy.
From other jumpers float me clear
As safely down I persevere.
On angel wings I hit the ground.
My father's favor I have found.
In thanks, Saint Michael, I do pray
For God has helped me-all the way.
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel Patron Saint of Paratroopers
Saint Michael the Archangel, Patron Saint of Paratroopers, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and
snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O Prince of the heavenly hosts; by the divine power;
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
42nd Brigada de Infanteria Paracadistas, Venezuela
Glorioso San Miguel Arcángel, Tú que libraste las más enconadas Batallas contra los mensajeros del al y del odio; tú que
salistes victorioso de las asechanzas malignas del príncipe de las tinieblas, salvaguardando de sus garras a toda la humanidad,
te suplico me brindes protección de todos aquéllos que me desean el mal y evites que las armas del demonio sean esgrimidas
contra mí, cuídame de los enemigos silenciosos y ayúdame a ser justo para que, con mi actitud, a nadie ofenda, ni resienta
y, por el contrario, viva en paz con los hombres, para llegar dignamente a Dios .Amén
Prayer For Help Against Spiritual Enemies
Glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, who stands always ready to give assistance to the people of God;
who fought with the dragon, the old serpent, and cast him out of heaven, and now valiantly defends the Church of God that
the gates of hell may never prevail against her, I earnestly entreat you to assist me also, in the painful and dangerous conflict
which I sustain against the same formidable foe. Be with me, O mighty Prince! that I may courageously fight and vanquish that
proud spirit, whom you, by the Divine Power, gloriously overthrew, and whom our powerful King, Jesus Christ, has, in our nature,
completely overcome; so having triumphed over the enemy of my salvation, I may with you and the holy angels, praise the clemency
of God who, having refused mercy to the rebellious angels after their fall, has granted repentance and forgiveness to fallen
man. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
Glorious Saint Michael, guardian and defender of the Church of Jesus Christ, come to the assistance of His followers, against
whom the powers of hell are unchained. Guard with special care our Holy Father, the Pope, and our bishops, priests, all our
religious and lay people, and especially the children. Saint Michael, watch over us during life, defend us against the assaults
of the demon, and assist us especially at the hour of death. Help us achieve the happiness of beholding God face to face for
all eternity. Amen.
Saint Michael, intercede for me with God in all my necessities, especially {mention special petition}. Obtain for me a
favorable outcome in the matter I recommend to you. Mighty prince of the heavenly host, and victor over rebellious spirits,
remember me for I am weak and sinful and so prone to pride and ambition. Be for me, I pray, my powerful aid in temptation
and difficulty, and above all do not forsake me in my last struggle with the powers of evil. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly armies, Saint
Michael the Archangel, defend us in our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness,
against the spirit of wickedness in the high places. Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His likeness and
whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. The Holy Church venerates thee as her guardian and protector;
to thee the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into Heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan
beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church. Offer our prayers to the most High,
that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us. Take hold of the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and
Satan, bind him, and cast him into the bottomless pit so that he should no more seduce the nations. Amen.
Prayer to St Michael the Archangel
Excerpted from the Akathist to the Archangel
(orthodox)Nov. 8/21
O Holy and Great Archangel of God Michael,
who standest, as the first of the Angels, before the ineffable and super-substantial Trinity;
who art placed as a watcher and keeper over the human race,
who hast with thine armies crushed the head of the proud Lucifer in the heavens and brought forever to shame his wickedness
and treachery on earth! To thee we have recourse in faith, and thee we entreat with love: be thou an indestructible shield
and firm rampart for the holy Church and the Orthodox Christians, guarding them by the lightning power of thy sword from all
enemies visible and invisible.
Be thou a guardian Angel, a wise counselor and companion of the Christian people, bringing them enlightenment, strength,
joy, peace and consolation.
Be thou a leader and a companion in battle to those who strive for the Orthodox Faith, so that all who fight against us
may know that God and His holy Angels are with us.
Forsake us not, O Archangel of God, with thy help and protection, who today glorify thy holy name: for behold, even if
we are have sinned greatly, nevertheless we would not perish in our misdeeds, but rather turn to the Lord and be enlivened
by Him unto good works.
Illumine our minds with the light of God, which ever shineth on thy lightning-like brow, that we may come to understand
what the good and perfect will of God for us is, and know all that we must do, and all that we must despise and shun.
Strengthen, by the Lord's grace, our weak will and infirm intention, so that, confirmed in the law of the Lord, we may
cease to be cast about by worldly thoughts and lusts of the flesh, or like thoughtless children to be drawn by the perishing
glamour of this world, lest by corruptible and earthly things we foolishly forget the eternal and the heavenly.
And above all these things, ask for us from on high the spirit of true repentance, unfeigned sorrow before God, and contrition
for our sins, so that we may spend the days that remain of this passing life, not in pleasing ourselves and serving our passions,
but rather in effacing the evils we have committed, by the tears of faith and heartfelt contrition, by striving for purity
and the holy works of mercy.
And when the time of our demise shall approach, and of our liberation from this body of clay, leave us not, O Archangel
of God, without defense against the spirits of evil under heaven, who surround us to close off the ascent on high for human
souls; so that, guarded by thee, without stumbling we may attain unto those glorious habitations of Paradise, where there
is neither sadness nor sighing, but life without end, and may be granted to see the light-filled Face of our all-good Lord
and Master, falling with tears at His feet, crying out in joy and gladness:
Glory to Thee, our most dear Redeemer, Who for Thy great love toward us unworthy ones hast seen fit to send Thine Angel
as a minister of our salvation.
Translated from the "Full Collection of Prayers",compiled by Archpriest A. Stavrovskii, St. Petersburg 1914..
The Collect of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces.
May the defence of the Most High be above and beneath, around and within us, in our going out and in our coming in, in
our rising up and in our going down, through all our days and all our nights, until the dawn when the Sun of righteousness
shall arise with healing in his wings for the peoples of the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN Source: Brian Rioran,
webmaster Ex Red Devils
The Collect For Peace
O God, who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service
is perfect freedom: defend us Thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies; that we, surely trusting in Thy defense,
may not fear the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
The Airborne Millennium Prayer
O God, our Father, in whom a thousand years are but as yesterday; may we always be inspired by your love, so that, armed
with the sword of the Spirit, we can conquer fear and dedicate ourselves to your glory through service to our Queen, our country
and to all humanity. Protect, comfort and uphold us, at all times, in the air, on land and at sea, so that we may worthily
carry out the tasks that are set before us, through him who is the sale yesterday, today and tomorrow, even Jesus Christ,
our Lord. AMEN.
A Prayer for Overlord
June 6, 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic,
our religion and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. Lead them straight ad true; give strength to their
arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith. They will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard.
For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and
again; and we know by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph. Some will never return. Embrace
these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom. And for us at home -- fathers, mothers, children,
wives, sisters and brothers of brave men overseas, whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them -- help us, Almighty God,
to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice. Give us strength, too -- strength in our
daily tasks, to redouble the contributions we make in the physical and the material support of our armed forces. With Thy
blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances.
Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace -- a peace
invulnerable to the scheming of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards
of their honest toil."
A Visit to Normandy
Beloved Presence of God,
hear my heartfelt prayer...
God bless these valiant souls
who willingly and with great trepidation
laid down their lives for the freedom of the world.
Note: Insert here your own words
(Example: I give my heartfelt thanks for these heroes
whose valor saved my life and my country,
and without whom my children would not exist.)
I give thanks as a representative of the free world
for which they gave up their lives.
I pray that their souls be blessed and elevated in the heavens.
I request that the burden of sorrow be lifted
from the families and loved ones they left behind.
And I ask that they all be reunited in Paradise.
May legions of angels escort any of these souls
who may be lost home to Thee.
I request this in the name of the Most Holy Christ.
This prayer was inspired by a WWII veterans recent journey to Normandy to pray for his fallen brothers. I Never Cease To
Be Amazed At God's Choreography. An excerpt from A Book of Prayers, by A. Carr, Copyright 1999.
Beloved Presence of God, hear my heartfelt prayer...
God bless these valiant souls who willingly and with great trepidation laid down their lives for the freedom of the world.
Note: Insert here your own words
(Example: I give my heartfelt thanks for these heroes
whose valor saved my life and my country,
and without whom my children would not exist.)
I give thanks as a representative of the free world
for which they gave up their lives.
I pray that their souls be blessed and elevated in the heavens.
I request that the burden of sorrow be lifted
from the families and loved ones they left behind.
And I ask that they all be reunited in Paradise.
May legions of angels escort any of these souls
who may be lost home to Thee.
I request this in the name of the Most Holy Christ.
Amen. An excerpt from A Book of Prayers, by A. Carr, Copyright 1999.
Patton's Weather Prayer
Written by Brigadier Gen. Msgr. James H. O'Neill
Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with
which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously harken to us as soldiers who call Thee that, armed
with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish
Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.
A Father's Prayer
General Douglas Macarthur
Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is
afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. Build me a son whose wishes
will not take the place of deeds; a son who knows Thee - and that to know himself is the foundation stone of knowledge. Lead
him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him
learn to stand up in a storm; here let him learn compassion for those who fail. Build me a son whose heart is clear; whose
goal will be high; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men, ne who will reach into the future, yet
never forget the past. And after all these things are his add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, that he may always be serious,
yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness,
the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength. Then, I, his father, will dare to whisper, "I have not liven
in vain." (MacArthur, His Rendezvous with History, Courtney Whitney, P 547, (1956).
Abbey Forgiveness Prayer,
Found on the body of a woman at Auschwitz
O Lord
Remember not only
The men and women of good will.
But also those of evil will.
And in remembering
The suffering they inflicted upon us,
Honor the fruits we have borne
Thanks to this suffering --- our comradeship, our humility
Our compassion, our courage, our generosity, the greatness of heart
That has grown out of all this;
And when they come to the judgment,
Let all the fruits
That we have borne.
Be their forgiveness......
The POW Rescue
by Dep. Tony Miano (LASD)
The paratrooper stood at the open door of the airplane. He held onto the sides of the door and leaned into the cool night
air. The Jumpmaster yelled but one word. "Go!"
It was not a training or practice jump. The jump was sending the trooper into battle. The soldier was not jumping behind
his own lines. He was jumping well behind the enemy's lines of defense. The paratrooper jumped from the plane. He obeyed the
orders prescribed in the mission and answered the call to defend his country. The paratrooper put a lot of faith in his equipment
and even more trust and faith in his Commander who planned the mission. The paratrooper answered the call to duty and service
despite being told by many that the assignment was too dangerous.
"And Jesus stopped and said, 'Call him here.' And they called the blind man, saying to him, 'Take courage, arise! He is
calling for you.' And casting aside his cloak, he jumped up, and came to Jesus." Mark10:49,50
Like the blind beggar and the person who answers Jesus' call to "Go", the paratrooper answered the call that was upon him
and jumped. Would a miscalculation in wind and drag suck him into the side of the plane? Would his chute open? Would he land
uninjured? He didn't know. The paratrooper's jump was not a blind leap of faith. Rather, it was a calculated act of faith
based on the trust he had in his Commander, his own training and experience, a belief that his equipment would function properly,
and an equally important belief in the mission itself.
One of the most important people to a paratrooper, is the person who packs his chute. This person receives little notoriety,
doesn't necessarily serve on the front line of battle, and their work is usually unseen. But to the paratrooper, this person
is one of the most important individuals in his life. Like the technician handling the preparation of the chute, the prayer
warriors who lift up and cover the missionary in prayer are vital members of any missionary team. If a chute is not properly
the paratrooper will probably drop like a rock to the world below. Likewise, a missionary whose spiritual and physical
well-being is not properly packed in prayer runs the risk of falling prey to the enemy's attacks and failing on his mission.
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer
of a righteous man can accomplish much." James 5:16
After descending several thousand feet, the paratrooper pulled on his cord and his chute opened properly. The sudden upward
thrust from the massive volume of air rushing into the chute was not unlike the uplifting of one's spirit as they feel the
effectual prayers of the saints during any given part of the mission. But the jump and the mission was far from over.
As the paratrooper dropped closer to the ground, his safety became all the more precarious. With every foot of descent,
the paratrooper was one foot closer to being within range of the enemy's guns. In order to properly prepare for the mission,
the paratrooper had to assume that the enemy knew he was coming. The paratrooper looked down and saw the blanket of green
fields rushing up at him. He was just above the treetops when he was hit by a harsh, blinding beam of light. As expected,
the enemy had spotted him.
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." II Cor. 11:14
The enemy opened fire. The paratrooper had jumped into darkness, but the white parachute made an inviting target for the
enemy soldiers below. The enemy knew that the parachute was the paratrooper's lifeline. Likewise, Satan knows that the prayers
of the saints are a similar lifeline for the missionary. But the enemy was unable to shoot the large parachute out of the
sky. Nor are the flaming missiles of the evil one able to penetrate the shield of faith which, in part, is comprised of the
prayers of the saints.
The enemy turned their gun sights toward the paratrooper's body. The soldier, now suspended seemingly unprotected in the
night sky, listened as the bullets streaked by his drifting body. His trust in the work of the chute, technician, and his
faith in his Commander was momentarily dimmed as he waited for one of the large caliber rounds to find its mark. He thought
of his family and whether or not he would see them again. He questioned his judgment about his decision to make the jump in
the first place. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the burning pain caused by the round that had just smashed into
his right thigh.
The paratrooper hit the ground, wounded but alive. Realizing that he had survived another phase of his mission helped him
to regain his composure, focus his attention on what lied ahead, and suppress the doubts he had before landing. He tended
to his wound and moved on.
"And not only this, but we also exalt in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance,
proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has poured out within
our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:3-5
The paratrooper's mission was to go behind enemy lines and rescue a hostage. The POW, unaware that a rescue attempt was
underway, sat quietly in his cell. The long captivity had broken his spirit to the point that life meant little beyond taking
his next breath, and death was just another phase of life's natural progression.
The paratrooper made his way to the prison compound. Working his way past the lights, electrical fences, and alarms, he
found himself at the door of the prisoner's cell. To the paratrooper's shock, the prisoner was not happy to see him. The prisoner
had become content with his circumstances and resigned himself to believe that those circumstances were his lot in life. The
paratrooper offered the prisoner freedom, but he would not take it.
"The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One
who sent Me." Luke 10:16
As the paratrooper pleaded with the POW, an enemy soldier came around the corner. The enemy soldier was more shocked to
see the paratrooper than the paratrooper was to see him. The enemy soldier raised his rifle and began to pull the trigger.
The enemy soldier hesitated and slowly lowered his rifle. "Take me with you. Please!" The enemy soldier said.
"Kill him, you fool!" The POW shouted. The POW who had denied his chance at freedom, certainly didn't find his captor worthy
of the same consideration. "Shoot him!" He shouted again.
"But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father
who is in heaven." Matthew 5:44, 45a
The paratrooper stared at the enemy soldier for several moments. He then looked at the POW who was making a conscious choice
to remain a prisoner. The paratrooper closed the door to the POWs cell. "Let's go." He said to the enemy soldier.
The two unlikely comrades made their way out of the compound, through the forest that was dense with trees and enemy guns,
and to the pre-designated landing zone. Waiting for them was a hovering helicopter. The rifle rounds of the enemy's guns ricocheted
off the chopper's armored exterior. The once enemy soldier, now ally, was the first to be hoisted into the hovering craft.
To his obvious surprise, once on board he was greeted with smiles and slaps on the back, and not the glares of disdain he
had expected.
The paratrooper prepared himself for his ascent to safety. He thought that his mission, albeit unusual, was a successful
one. A sense of pride began to well up inside him. As he reached for the cable dangling from the chopper above, a series of
shots rang out from the edge of the forest. The paratrooper crumbled to the ground. He could not lift himself up to reach
the cable that would pull him to safety.
Seeing what had just happened below, one of the helicopter Crewman advised the Pilot of the situation. The Crewman yelled,
"I'm going down there to get him!" The Pilot, who was the Crew Commander and Father figure of the team, replied with one word.
The Crewman repelled down the cable with no regard for His own safety. Once on the earth below, He picked up the paratrooper,
attached the cable to his harness, and motioned for the Pilot to move away from the landing zone. The Pilot knew what was
about to happen to His Crewman. The Pilot knew He had to get the paratrooper and the enemy soldier to safety and leave the
Crewman to face the enemy guns alone.
The Pilot lifted the helicopter out of its hover and flew away. As the Pilot looked back at the landing zone, He watched
in horror as the Crewman was riddled with bullets from the enemy's guns. The paratrooper, badly wounded but conscious, witnessed
the execution of the Crewman who had just rescued him and saved his life at the cost of His own.
"For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous
man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while
we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6-8
As the helicopter flew to safety, the paratrooper realized that his mission was only successful because the Crewman fulfilled
His mission.
The paratrooper looked at the Pilot and asked, "What was that Crewman's name?" The Pilot smiled and said, "He is My Son."
The St. Michael's Association Jump Commands:
1. Get Ready! I will always attempt to be spiritually fit before my Maker.
2. Stand Up! I will make a decision to maintain high moral standards in spite of what others say or do.
3. Hook Up! Through personal prayer, I will maintain a direct line of communication with my God.
4. Check Static Line! I will make a daily check of my attitudes and relationships with others.
5. Check Equipment! I will take a personal inventory of my weaknesses and faults and try to amend them.
6. Sound Off For Equipment Check! I will share my faith with others by word and example.
7. Stand In The Door! With my belief and trust in God, I will determine to face bravely whatever test life gives to me.
8. Go! Whether on land or in the air, I will be firm in my resolutions to serve God and country as both would expect me
to do.
Paratrooper's Prayer
Kind Heavenly Father, our Great God who invites --- "Follows Me" May we with Stalwart hearts declare Thee Lord of all.
We ask Thy Holy blessing to rest upon all paratroopers who are on the path to secure and sustain peace.
May we be ready at all times to boldly stand up for thy truth and ways and be steadfastly hooked up to Thy Law and Gospel.
May a primary part of our equipment be a confident faith in Thee as we stand in the door of all missions in life. May the
canopy of Thy love shield and keep us now and forever.
We go in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Source www.173rdairborne.com
Prayer Before Battle
By Major Alex Campbell
O.C. "A" Company, Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment
Killed in action: December 25, 1943 at the Moro River, Italy
When, 'neath the rumble of the guns,
I lead my men against the "Huns" -
It's then I feel so all alone, weak and scared,
And oft I've wondered how I dared
Accept the task of leading men.
I wonder, worry, fret, and then
I pray, O God, who promised oft
To humble men to list an ear,
Now in my troubled state of mind,
Draw near, O God draw near, draw near.
Make me more willing to obey,
Help me to merit my command,
And if this be my fatal day,
Reach out, O God, Thy helping hand
And help me down the deep dark vale.
These men of mine must never know
How much afraid I really am.
Help me, so that they will say,
"He was a man."
Paratrooper Prayers
(c) Lew Poorman 2001 Veterans Prayer Project 20